Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Trio: Management

A strange thought occurred to me this evening on my return to home after work!!
It was all about a system of hierarchy which constitute to a total number of work-force of 33 crores under a top management, handled by a Trio. The best part is that even in these days, they manage to keep their jobs intact.
The more confusing thing follows now.  The three ‘guys’-The Trio- considered to be the most powerful and decision makers. Again confusing is that according to different legends the second and third guys have been derived from each other! An indigestible piece information!!
If equating the trio to the modern corporate positions, we can find, one is the production manager, second one is the Operations manager, and third one has a bit complex profile, including supply chain, quality control, incineration of defective products and market watch etc. I like to call him as the QC manager. Production produces; operations make it over and transfer to the market. QC manager recalls all the defective products. Another part of the story is that, here the products themselves turn to be the end customer later.
Though the job responsibilities are clearly defined, the Operations and QC clash with each other’s depts. A lot of stories are in the air.  Even there is an unending controversy between Operations and QC, claiming the importance and superiority of positions.

Another interesting aspect is that, all these three has got gorgeous and attractive secretaries.  The Production secretary looks after the programming part of the products, whereas the operations secretary takes care of packaging, decorations’ part. Since the other two appointed elegant secretaries, the QC also decided to have a secretary. When the QC’s noise started to distract the other managers, they helped him get a secretary to balance the quorum. The QC secretary is said to be the most voluptuous of the group.

These three being the final decision makers and executive officers, there is a lot of high, mid and low level management staff; those are classified at different hierarchy levels under the Trio. The reporting levels are clearly defined and well operated. As in the case of all modern corporate infrastructures, the Trio also holds a direct command over the middle and lower management levels. Alarmingly, as I said earlier, the total numbers of staff counts up to 33crores

This makes the end customers little nervous and unease!! The uneasiness is because, when a product failure erupts, the end user and the product themselves get confused to choose to who shall them contact to get the problem fixed. This also means that, the products and end-users think about the people in the factory only when there is a product failure; which is same for all cases.

The above characters are my fictional imaginations only; therefore they do not have any similarities or connections to any of the living, dead, legendary people or religious characters and belief. Similarities connections are just a mere coincidence.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Distorted Views !!!

Nishcalatattve jiivanmuktiH!!
No!! I dint Say this…
in fact this is a “quote”(I don’t know if it is the right phrase) by  Jagadguru Aadi Sankaraacharya; centuries ago.  Since those are his words, must have some meanings. Last few days, I was striving to find the meaning of these words. Struggling- upside down, right n left, inside and outside! Sorry, I lack the insight to find its meaning on my own, nor did I find any body, who could explain it well. Google, of course gave out a lot of stuff, I felt those had little relevance.
Finally I again manned myself with the task. By then I could feel a whirlpool appearing in my thoughts.
 These words explained, just two things. Two… simple…. things!
1. Nischala Tattvam= the principle of Idleness.   This idleness can be explained as abstinence, asceticism, self-denial etc
2. Jivan Mukthi= freedom in/from (both looks to be almost same) life (where life= karma) ie. Freedom from karma (work)
When used together, these two words say that you keep yourself idle and achieve the transcendental freedom from karma, life etc.  In other words refrain yourself from work, and obtain freedom in life.
When explained, it says, that the more you keep yourself idle, the faster your freedom is. This theorem is universally true as well. Eg. Keep yourself idle at work; you will be freed from the work place. If you keep yourself idle at home, after somedays, they will free you from all the homely ties. It’s just a matter of few days. The same happens in marriage too. Your idleness will force your wife, free you from all her burdens.
This can be explained by means of modern Newtonian principles also. As described in the first law of motion, your idleness (continuous state of rest) not having any external force to act upon you (work and other activities), will leave you at the same idleness (state of rest), which in turn brings freedome, mukthi, moksha etc.
I hope my understandings are not distorted at all J